
Your Breath is Your Power

Harness the power of your breath

Breathwork is a term that describes a wide range of intentional and conscious breathing practices aimed to increase awareness, presence, health and wellbeing.

Your breath is a powerful conduit between your conscious and unconscious mind and emerging research shows how profound an impact our experiences and emotional state have on the way we breathe, and consequently on our entire physiological state.

Breathwork is one of the fastest ways to regulate your nervous system, elevate vitality, regain your health and even unlock profound insights.

Whether you want to understand how to breathe better or you are curious to experience rapid shifts through transformative breath work journeys, you’re in the right place!

See below for upcoming breathwork events or get in contact if  you would like to book a private 1:1, couples, or small group session either in person in Sydney or online anywhere in the world. 

thai yoga massage bw

Breath is Life.

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Client Testimonials

I just had a 1:1 breathwork session with Megan and it was a deeply moving experience for me. Megan created a sense of calm and peace that set the tone for the entire session. She was incredibly knowledgeable and guided me through various breathing techniques with such ease and clarity.

I was amazed at how something as simple as breathing could have such a profound impact on my mental and physical well-being. By the end of the session, I felt a deep sense of relaxation and clarity that I hadn’t experienced in a long time. My stress levels dropped significantly, and I noticed an improvement in my focus and energy levels in the days that followed. I had been able to let go of my grip on difficult and painful thoughts which I’ve been unable to shake for months, the feeling of peace I felt at the end of the session has given me hope of being ok again.

I am so grateful for this experience that Megan guided and highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their overall well-being. The breathwork experience was truly a gift, and I am excited to do more breathwork and to continue practicing what I learned.
