Move through this qigong exercise to cultivate mobility, strength and flexibility.

Follow along or scroll below if you’d like to know about the movement in the video ?

Physical benefits of this movement
  • nourish and mobilise the spine
  • encourage blood flow
  • nourish and lengthen muscles and ligaments
  • warm up the body to clear toxins
Mental/ Emotional benefits of this movement
  • feeling emotionally balanced
  • relief from anxiety and depression
  • building confidence
  • cultivating a sense of self-worth
  • feeling graceful and free
Energetic effects of this movement
  • grounding your energy
  • clearing stagnant emotions
  • cultivating confidence & self worth
Tips for following this video:
  • Keep the tailbone annchored towards the ground throughout the movement.
  • Articulate the spine joint by joint as your move.
  • Send energy all the way to the finger tips.
  • Move like a bird flying, powerful, efortless and free.
  • To advance your practice learn how to access your lower dantien and then apply it to this movement.

If you would like to know more or you are interested in private or group training in qigong you can find a local class on my timetable or enquire about one-to-one sessions through the following links: Class Timetable, One-to-one sessions