

29jun6:00 pm8:30 pmBREATHEA transformative breathwork journey


29 June, 2024 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm(GMT+10:00)

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Temple of Mastery

Unit 97/ 2 The Crescent, Kingsgrove

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Event Details

🌬️Find your way back to yourself with the power of your very own breath. This is your heartfelt invitation to BREATHE.🌬️

 Mark your calendar and prepare to take a deep breath and dive into the transformative realm of breathwork. BREATHE is an immersive experience designed to awaken vitality, release tension, and reconnect you with the profound wisdom of your breath.

What to Expect: In this dynamic breathwork event, you’ll embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, guided by the transformative power of your breath.

🌬️ Conscious Breathing Techniques: Discover the profound impact of conscious breathing as you explore a variety of techniques to expand your breath capacity, enhance oxygenation, and activate your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

🌬️ Energetic Release: Release stagnant energy, emotional tension, and limiting beliefs held within the body through the power of breath. Experience a sense of liberation and renewal as you surrender to the rhythm of your breath and allow transformation to unfold.

🌬️ Inner Journey: Embark on an inner journey of self-exploration and introspection, guided by the rhythm of your breath. Dive deep into the depths of your being, uncovering insights, clarity, and profound states of inner peace.

🌬️ Integration and Grounding: Conclude your breathwork journey with gentle grounding practices and integration techniques to anchor the experience and cultivate a sense of balance, harmony, and presence.

Key Benefits of Breathwork:

🌿 Stress Reduction: Release stress, anxiety, and tension held within the body, promoting relaxation and emotional well-being.

🌿 Enhanced Vitality: Increase energy levels, vitality, and overall sense of well-being through improved oxygenation and circulation.

🌿 Emotional Release: Facilitate the release of stored emotions and trauma, fostering emotional resilience and inner healing.

🌿 Mind-Body Connection: Deepen your connection with your body, mind, and spirit, fostering self-awareness, clarity, and presence.

Who Can Benefit: BREATHE is suitable for individuals of all backgrounds and experience levels, offering profound benefits for those seeking to explore the transformative potential of breathwork. Whether you’re navigating stress, seeking clarity, or simply yearning for a deeper connection with your innermost self, this event provides a safe and supportive space for exploration and healing.

📅  29th June 2024 | 6-8.30pm

📍 Temple of Mastery, 97/2 The Crescent, Kingsgrove

What to Bring:

☁️ Wear comfortable clothing

💧 Bring a water bottle

🧣 Blanket or towel for warmth (optional)

💤 Bring a cushion or pillow for your head (optional),

📓 Notebook & pen for journaling or insights (optional)

🧘Yoga mats and bolsters are available at the studio.

About Your Facilitator: Led by Megan, a master breathwork facilitator, yoga teacher, qigong teacher and intuitive energy healer  and somatic body worker with 7 years of experience in health and wellbeing. Megan brings a compassionate, nurturing and intuitive approach to breathwork, creating a safe and supportive space for transformation and healing to unfold.

Reserve Your Spot: Spaces are limited, so secure your place in this empowering journey today!

Join us as we journey into the depths of the breath, unlock vitality, and awaken the healing power within through the art of breathwork. I look forward to sharing this transformative experience with you!

*Please read the following breathwork contraindications list before the event*


I can’t make it, will there be another breathwork event?

Yes, Join my mailing list and you’ll get notified about my upcoming events. You can also follow me on social media @movemuse where I also post event updates.

Are there any contraindications for doing breathwork?

Yes, please read this list of breathwork contraindications and reach out if you have any questions.

Reserve your tickets here

Price $89.00

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Total Price $89.00

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Temple of Mastery