Book Recommendations
Trauma, Stress
The Body Keeps the Score | Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma- Bessel van der Kolk
When the Body Says No | The Cost of Hidden Stress – Gabor Maté
In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts | Close Encounters with Addiction – Gabor Maté
Molecules of Emotion | Why You Feel the Way You Feel – Candace Pert
The Polvagal Theory | Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachmennt Communication, Self Regulation – Stephen W. Porges
Waking the Tiger | The Innnate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences – Stephen A. Porges
No Bad Parts | Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model – Richard C. Schwartz
Yoga for Emotional Balance | Simple Practices to Alleviate Anxiety and Depression – Bo Forbes
The Architecture of Happinness | – Alain de Botton
The Big Leap | Conquer your hidden fear and take your life to the next level – Gay Hendricks
The Biology of Belief | Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles – Bruce H. Lipton
Book Blog
Molecules of Emotion – Candace Pert
“Each of us has his or her own natural pharmacopeia. The very finest drug store available at the cheapest cost. To produce all the drugs we’d ever need to run our body mind and precisely the way it was designed over centuries of evolution to run. Research needs to...
The Body Keeps the Score – Bessel Van der Kolk
"People need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them." Bessel is a psychiatrist who recognised early on in his career that western medical systems were not considering people’s life experiences in their...
When the Body Says No – Gabor Maté
“When things happen emotionally, they happen physiologically. In fact, it can’t be any other way.” Gabor Mate Who could argue that facial expressions and physical reactions don’t represent emotions? We cry when we are angry, sad or full of joy. We frown and smile. We...