Bringing Awareness to Trauma

Most of us have experienced trauma in some form or another. There is the obvious and acute kind that arises from serious injuries or experiences of abuse and severe neglect but there is also a more subtle form of trauma that manifests when we are adults as addiction (the shopping, eating or working kind), chronic stress, anxiety and depression and unhealthy relationships too. Often these symptoms, when not listened to, will develop into chronic illnesses prevalent in our society such as cancer and diabetes. This page of resources and in fact all the work that I do is here for you, for whatever the level or kind of trauma you are experiencing or have experienced. It is also here for you if someone you know or care about is coping with trauma. The resources on this page have made sense to me and guided me on my own journey and so I am sharing them here so that they can support others in need. The work I do focuses on reintegrating the mind with the body through movement so that we can all feel more empowered to look after and listen to the messages from our body and live a more supported and balanced life. I hope you find these resources informative, insightful and motivating for you to take your life into your own hands. If you would like to work with me or chat with me about any of this I would love to hear from you!  

“Trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens inside of you, as a result of what happened to you.”

-Dr Gabor Maté

Trauma and the Nervous System

Blog Articles

Why Foam Rollers and Deep Tissue Massage Won’t Work

Releasing Tight Muscles Doesn't Have to Hurt If foam rolling and deep tissue massage puts you in more pain than you were already in, you likely don't need it. If foam rolling and deep tissue massage don't feel delicious to you, its time you tried a different...

Befriending the Body

When we are traumatized, the body becomes a painful place to live. We don’t understand the body and it’s hard to look after or manage, so we lock all the doors and move into the mind; the head, the only place we know where to be even though it’s just as painful if not...

When the Body Says No – Gabor Maté

“When things happen emotionally, they happen physiologically. In fact, it can’t be any other way.” Gabor Mate Who could argue that facial expressions and physical reactions don’t represent emotions? We cry when we are angry, sad or full of joy. We frown and smile. We...

Signs of trauma

  • Feeling tired, stuck or depleted of energy
  • Wanting a stronger connection with your body
  • Desire for greater control of the body
  • Struggling to feel relaxed
  • Chronic fatigue, pain or tiredness
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Stress, anxiety or depression
  • Chronic health or dis-ease

This list is inexhausitible. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms and you would like to know more, please reach out and contact me through the form below. I’d be happy to hear from you.





Healing with Movement & Body Awareenss

Body Therapy sessions fuse what I have learned from Traditional Thai Yoga Massage, Qigong, Yoga and Western anatomy, physiology and neuroscience. Body Therapy is for

  • Improved sense of peace and calm
  • Deep relaxation
  • Balancing nervous system response
  • Relief from aches and pains
  • Cultivating body awareness
  • Improving circulation
  • Promoting digestion
  • Increasing mobility

Books on Trauma

Molecules of Emotion – Candace Pert

Molecules of Emotion – Candace Pert

“Each of us has his or her own natural pharmacopeia. The very finest drug store available at the cheapest cost. To produce all the drugs we’d ever need to run our body mind and precisely the way it was designed over centuries of evolution to run. Research needs to...

The Body Keeps the Score – Bessel Van der Kolk

The Body Keeps the Score – Bessel Van der Kolk

"People need to become aware of their sensations and the way that their bodies interact with the world around them." Bessel is a psychiatrist who recognised early on in his career that western medical systems were not considering people’s life experiences in their...

When the Body Says No – Gabor Maté

When the Body Says No – Gabor Maté

“When things happen emotionally, they happen physiologically. In fact, it can’t be any other way.” Gabor Mate Who could argue that facial expressions and physical reactions don’t represent emotions? We cry when we are angry, sad or full of joy. We frown and smile. We...

Movement for Trauma

Movement for Trauma encompasses group and private sessions as well as online content & resources to support your healing journey. Modalities include qigong, yoga and pilates which each have their individual benefits but are also complimentary to one another.

Therapists for Trauma

Coming Soon!

Guided Meditation

Follow these simple guided meditations for inner peace and calm.